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2009 Easy Tea Heavenly Tips
2009 Easy Tea Heavenly Tips
2009 Easy Tea Heavenly Tips

2009 Easy Tea Heavenly Tips

One River Tea

Regular price $92.00 $46.00 Sale

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Tea: 2009 Anhua Heicha (安化黑茶) 

Type: Tian Jian Anhua Heicha 天尖安化黑茶
Fermentation Level: Medium
Harvest: Spring 2009
Press Date: Unpressed
Region:  Gaoma Terroir Region, Anhua.
Producer: Lexian Tea House
Tasting Notes: Maple Syrup, Old Books, Wet Pine Needles, Meat Broth

While we have had a lot of Anhua Heicha before, we haven't had anything quite as refined as this.  The fragrance is enchanting, rich deep with layer upon layer of savory herbal notes that twist through a background of old wet wood.  We found our selves absentmindedly smelling the teapot between infusions until the tea in the cup was cold.   

The tea itself is a perfect example of what excellent source material, ideal storage conditions, and proper aging can create in the space of Anhua Heicha.  It is rich, thick, meaty, textured, and deeply complicated.   For us, the energy of this tea after the first few infusions really transported us into a blissful contemplative state, truly a tea worth the time and space it deserves.  While Anhua Heicha can be dirt cheap in huge quantity, the small amount of excellently produced aged tea is rare and well worth the rather high price we paid for it.