March 11th - 31st | First Flush Presale | 10% Off All Mingqian Green & White Teas

Keosuyaping Family

Deep in the isolated mountains of northern Laos, the Keosuyaping family have been tending a plot of ancient puer tea trees for generations.  We traveled into these isolated mountains in January of 2020 to meet the makers and check out the trees.  Only some 30 or 40 km South of the Chinese border, the trees and terroir are almost identical to what is found in southern Xishuangbanna, China. 

Upon visiting the garden, we saw that their teas are all made from what we would - without hesitation - call ancient trees (100+ years), and all processed in house by family members and fellow villagers.  We were pleased to find that the simple serene beauty of the environment, the size and health of the trees, and the sophisticated processing methods were all up to our standards.  Thus, we are proud to collaborate with the Keosuyaping family and offer their teas to the Western market. 

Read more about the Keosuyaping Family and their tea village here.

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