2016 Gold Coins
2016 Gold Coins

2016 Gold Coins

One River Tea

Regular price $14.00 Sale

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Tea: 2016 Yueyang Big Yellow (岳阳黄大茶) 
Type: Yellow Tea, Orthodox Yellowing.
Harvest: May 2016
Region: Yueyang County, Yueyang Prefecture, Hunan
Producer: Jiang Family
Tasting Notes:  Apricot, Orchid, Cherry.

This was a tea that surprised us. In their simple foil wrapper, these five gram yellow tea coins are quite unassuming. A late spring "Big Yellow" pick, this tea has this yellow tea grade's  characteristic size and roughness. There are plenty plenty of stems and some leaves are deeply oxidized with a dark orange hue. It has also has a very thick, syrupy broth and consistent fruitiness that is the best we have had from a Huangdacha. It does not have the chocolate notes of some Big Yellows and is without the astrigency of some fresh yellows. It is close in taste to some of the aged later season Yellow Buds in Huoshan, but is unique in its apricot profile. 

Picked and produced in Yueyang County, this tea demonstrates what Huangdacha, late pick yellow tea, can and should do when given time to age. With a Sheng Puer like frutiness and floral aroma, it is hard to believe it is produced in the same region, let alone by the same household using the same heirloom cultivar.