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The Browning of Green Shoumei: Comparison Box
The Browning of Green Shoumei: Comparison Box
The Browning of Green Shoumei: Comparison Box

The Browning of Green Shoumei: Comparison Box

One River Tea

Regular price $15.00 Sale

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 In this sample set, we examine a modern phenomenon that is arising in Shoumei White Tea production:  Green and Brown Shoumei.

While fresh white tea is usually green, sometimes shoumei will be made and produced brown.  Why is this?  Well, the short answer is that it has a more desireable appearance in the modern market (for the long answer, check out our blog post on it or listen to our recent Podcast Episode).  

The purpose behind this sample set is to educate on the different flavor profiles of a traditional (green) shoumei and a shoumei that has been intentionally browned to give it a slightly more aged appearance.

In the set:

  • 20g Green Shoumei 2022 Autumn
  • 20g Brown Shoumei 2022 Autumn

All the teas were made in Autumn of 2022, we have visited both the farms and met with the producers in Guangyang and Taimusahn, Fujian.  Both Wu’s garden and Zhang’s garden were lovely and the environment very healthy.  While the green shoumei is likely a better candidate for long term aging, the brown shoumei is also very enjoyably when presently drunk.  We also sell the green shoumei (Bailu Shoumei from Zhang) on the site, but don't quite consider the brown shoumei up to our Fuding white tea standards, outside of this educational oriented sample box.

Recommended brewing is 6-7 grams of tea in a 100-120ml gaiwan with water right off the boil (though also consider exploring with cooler temperatures to see how it affects the bouquet and mouthfeel).

We are very excited to share this tea tasting opportunity, as comparison brewing is one of the few ways to really understand the complexities of certain types of teas.