One River Tea
Zhang Yinchao - Chaozhou Zhuni Teapots
Zhang Yinchao is a young potter currently working under celebrated ceramicist Xie Hua in Chaozhou, Guangdong. He specialized in hand making gong teapots from the finest quality clays available in the region.
Huoshan Huangya Deep Dive
In 2020, Huoshan Huangya was listed among the Chinese first group of “new and excellent agricultural products.” The tea we today call Huosh...
Fuding White Tea: State of the Industry Spring 2022
What makes White Tea from Fuding better than most other production regions? Not only is it the historical lineage of white tea production in the region, but it is also strict government regulations that keep the quality of the tea produced high, the land it is produced on clean, and the quantity of tea made low. Read up on the 2022 Fuding Government Circular below!
Heicha Deep Dive
Basic History
Heicha, often translated as dark tea, is category of tea production that began in the Ming Dynasty and matured into its modern form...
Golden Green Deep Dive - China's Best Green Tea?
Official Promotional: “Baojing Golden Green - China’s Best Green Tea”
More than 400 years ago, in China’s captivating region of Xiangxi, the oldes...
Organic Vs. Conventional Deep Dive
Lay of the Land
When it comes to appraisals of organic tea from Chinese customers and producers, we’ve heard comments of every kind. Xuanen County’...
Huaxing Cooperative -- Wendou, LIchuan
The Tea
Huaxing produces two kinds of tea presently: Lichuanhong, for which it holds official government recognition and Potianxiang, an experiment...
ORT - Red Tea Processing Deep Dive
Basic Definition
Red tea is the category of tea processing which has been dominant in the world since the 19th Century, yet has been a major fac...
Lesser Snow Black Friday Sale!
This Black Friday, we have a Three-Level Sale!
Spend $70 - get 15% off everything
Spend $100 - get 15% off everything, and get a chance to win one ...
Laotian Tea and Chinese Traders
The Chinese Origins of Laos’ Tea Boom
As wages have risen in China, a mass market has developed for medium and high-end teas. At the forefront of t...
October Update to Solidarity Trust Work
For well over 300 years, tea vendors have been a marginal and sometimes parasitic presence in China. So long as tea has been a mass market commod...