Dog Days Summer Sale - 15% Off Everything - July 26 - 28

One River Tea

Golden Green Deep Dive - China's Best Green Tea?

Golden  Green Deep Dive - China's Best Green Tea?
 Official Promotional: “Baojing Golden Green - China’s Best Green Tea” More than 400 years ago, in China’s captivating region of Xiangxi, the oldes...

Organic Vs. Conventional Deep Dive

Organic Vs. Conventional Deep Dive
Lay of the Land When it comes to appraisals of organic tea from Chinese customers and producers, we’ve heard comments of every kind. Xuanen County’...

Huaxing Cooperative -- Wendou, LIchuan

Huaxing Cooperative -- Wendou, LIchuan
The Tea Huaxing produces two kinds of tea presently: Lichuanhong, for which it holds official government recognition and Potianxiang, an experiment...

ORT - Red Tea Processing Deep Dive

ORT - Red Tea Processing Deep Dive
   Basic Definition Red tea is the category of tea processing which has been dominant in the world since the 19th Century, yet has been a major fac...

White Tea: Translation of Zhuang Wanfang's 1979 Introduction


October Update to Solidarity Trust Work

  For well over 300 years, tea vendors have been a marginal and sometimes parasitic presence in China. So long as tea has been a mass market commod...

Selected Summaries From Huang Baizi’s “Phoenix Dancong Tea”

Selected Summaries From Huang Baizi’s “Phoenix Dancong Tea”
Fragrance Bush Yield Leaf Traits Growth Traits Finished Tea Xiongdi 10 Jin (Annual) Glossy green color, flat body, shallow teet...

Yellow Tea Red Pill

Yellow Tea Red Pill
The yellow tea in your cup may not be what it claims to be.

Solidarity Trust Update

Between January 1st and June 30th some 9370 RMB was set aside via our profit sharing scheme. This money will be divided among the respective produc...

Translated 1979 Introduction of Lapsang Souchong

Translated 1979 Introduction of Lapsang Souchong

Lapsang Souchong is one of China’s national specialties. It is considered one of the three major types of Chinese black tea along with Gongfu Tea and Fenjicha[2]. Souchong itself can be further sub-divided into Lapsang and Artificial Souchong[3].

Yulu Survey Results

Thank you! Between January 20th and May 31st, thirty six friends and customers answered our survey out of the 80 samples we initially sent. We deep...

1979 Introduction to Biluochun