One River Tea

Huaxing Cooperative -- Wendou, LIchuan

Huaxing Cooperative -- Wendou, LIchuan
The Tea Huaxing produces two kinds of tea presently: Lichuanhong, for which it holds official government recognition and Potianxiang, an experiment...

ORT - Red Tea Processing Deep Dive

ORT - Red Tea Processing Deep Dive
   Basic Definition Red tea is the category of tea processing which has been dominant in the world since the 19th Century, yet has been a major fac...

Solidarity Trust Update

Between January 1st and June 30th some 9370 RMB was set aside via our profit sharing scheme. This money will be divided among the respective produc...

Yulu Survey Results

Thank you! Between January 20th and May 31st, thirty six friends and customers answered our survey out of the 80 samples we initially sent. We deep...


Learn more about the Loushuiyuan Cooperative, a small Tujia Minority led cooperative consisting of dozens of small village residents and farmers that blend their land, their labor, and their time together to create the Green and Red Maojian Teas!

A Note on Taoshubao‘s Suspension From the Solidarity Trust

A Note on Taoshubao‘s Suspension From the Solidarity Trust
Since 2018, Taoshubao's Goldbud and Wild Black teas have been staples of our product line-up. Taoshubao was also the very cooperative that inspired...

Taoshu Community

Taoshu Community
The Taoshu Community (or Peach Tree Community) is a cooperative that has both collective and individual land holdings in the Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of South Western Hubei province. They specialize in local varietals of high-elevation green and black teas.